About Anna


Few Things about me 


My approach and experience


I am a therapeutics, life, and systemic coach, facilitator of personal development, and group processes. I combine a modern approach of psychology, genealogy, and spirituality together.

For more than 20  years I have been supporting individual and team processes in the direction of growth, building resources and faith in myself and my abilities. I assist people in every stage of their life to strengthen them in development, self-esteem, mission, and vision of life, creativity, and a sense of health from a holistic perspective.

I am interested in a creative non-standard approach to a given situation. In my work with people, I use a combination of passion for change, a solution-oriented attitude, broad thinking, and motivation to take action.


My inspiration


I am inspired and I have been practicing the method of Systemic Constellation by B. Hellinger, Positive Psychology, Philosophy and Practice of Talents by Gallup Institute, Mindfulness Practice, and others. 

For many years I have been using numerous methods of dance and bodywork ( 5Rhythms, Ayurveda, Medicine Movement ) as a source of connection with myself and with others. 

I am a nature lover, its observer, and fascinated with many completed distant journeys and different international projects to Europe, Asia, South America.

My education


I graduated from 2-year advanced Training in Systemic Constellation at the Taunus Institute and the 4-years basic and an intense course in  Family Affair Institute, as well as one year of Dance and Gestalt Therapy accredited by Halprin Practitioner, Tanalpa  Institute, USA.

Currently, I am participating in a 3-year international training with Somatic Experiencing, accredited by the Somatic Experience Trauma Institute.

Additionally,  I have participated in many live and online courses and workshops for example 12- week course MBRS (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and Mindfulness & Compassion, 1 year course The Artist Way based on Julia Cameron.

My modalities 


Family & Soul Constellation 

They are also called systemic or family constellations – it’s a method of transforming personal, family, organizational, and business issues. By working with them, they allow you to identify the source of the problem at a deep level of family connections, and understand the dynamics (unconscious patterns, beliefs, and attitudes).





Thanks to discovering the cause of entanglement, we move to the next step which is finding the optimal solution or position for the client. It opens new possibilities and gives fresh meaning and understanding of our life. Family Constellations called Orders of Love are based on the laws created by Bert Hellinger – an outstanding German psychotherapist and philosopher ( 1920- 2016). Orders of Love describe the phenomenon of blind, childish love and conscious seeing of love, which includes the essence of compassion and understanding.

The family constellations often reveal the source of sufferings, diseases, emotional difficulties, that are in connection with the unknown history of our family or ancestors. 

Participants in this process describe it as a deeply moving movement, that causes a better understanding of themself, life purpose, or even destiny. It opens new perspectives of seeing ourselves in the surrounding world as well as new opportunities for action.

During many years of work with this modality and thanks to over 10 years of assistant professor Heiko Hinrichs (www.familyaffair.de), I developed my method, which I called Soul Constellations. This method assumes the existence of a personal and collective soul and the process of its evolution. During such sessions, we work with the client’s problem with conclusions and lessons related to the experience.


Trauma Work

Working with trauma, also called regulation of the nervous system, offers a new perspective on the phenomenon of trauma, which is so common in human life. Each of us is equipped with natural, instinctive mechanisms that balance and regulate our reactions. These mechanisms include fight, flight, and freeze mechanisms.




At some stage of trauma – especially the initial one – these biological foundations make it possible for us to survive, just as in the world of animals. Too long in this state, however, causes symptoms to develop, such as stiffness, anxiety, pain, cognitive disorders, insomnia, lack of openness to the new, hypersensitivity, and others. This disconnects us from ourselves, our emotions, from people, from nature, from Spirit. Working with trauma based on building awareness of one’s own body, sensations, decoding blocked emotions allows access to resources regenerating and releasing blocked energy.  This means that after such work we gain a large batch of  previously tied up life energy and expands our capacity to experience the flow of life. This regulation brings neutralizes the excitement in both the muscular system ( armor ) and nervous system ( tension ), which also counteracts the symptoms of PTSD, discharging and resolving it.

body moves

Body Moves 

The body work I offer is based on Anna Halprin’s unique creative approach -Life/Art Process. During an individual or group session, starting from a personal, group or universal theme – the body and spontaneous movement or dance is the essence of this creative process.







The body work I offer is based on Anna Halprin’s unique creative approach -Life/Art Process. During an individual or group session, starting from a personal, group or universal theme – the body and spontaneous movement or dance is the essence of this creative process.


Talents & Strengths 

Based on Positive Psychology and positive semantics, the Gallup Institute’s concept invites you to look at yourself, your team, business partners from the perspective of your talents and strengths. Identifying your talents, being able to use them in a personal and professional way increases the effectiveness and quality of your collaboration. In addition, it is combined with a more personalized and team-based achievement of goals.



The proposed survey is an online tool to identify the 5 main talents of each of us. The next steps are to learn the meanings of our own talents, recommendations on how to develop them, and how to apply them in personal or business life. It is also possible to work with the specified goal using your talents. 

What exactly is talent? 

The definition is that it is any natural pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving of a person. Everyone has it. The Gallup Institute’s mission is to support people in recognizing and developing their talents and strengths so that they serve to deepen well-being in all possible areas of the human experience.